Precision Farming Dealer

NORAC Spray Height Control Now Available from AGCO Factory

May 21, 2012

NORAC Systems International Inc. announced its UC5 Spray Height Control System is now available as a factory installed option on AGCO RoGator sprayers.

The benefit to RoGator users is the ability to add a UC5 Spray Height Control System to their sprayer and operate it through the RoGator Management Center without the need for a separate interface. Further integration between NORAC and AGCO has resulted in allowing the operator to turn the UC5 into automatic mode using the RoGator Hydro Handle.

“We are very excited to be adding AGCO to the growing list of sprayer manufacturers that offer factory implementation of NORAC UC5,” said Danea Armstrong, sales vice president, marketing and service for NORAC Systems International Inc. The company claims it produces the most advanced automatic spray height control systems in the industry.

The UC5 is an ISOBUS certified system that uses ultrasonic sensors to control boom height. It does this by monitoring ground surface (soil mode) or top of crop (crop mode) depending upon crop conditions and operator preference. The UC5 uses ultrasonic technology so that no mechanical contact is made with the crop or the soil, the company explained. Another point emphasized by the manufacturer is the UC5’s Roll Control capabilities, allowing for increased boom stability, even in the most challenging terrain.