Kirkwood Community College Announces Online Ag Spatial Analysis Course
Kirkwood Community College will be offering Ag Spatial Analysis as a 3 credit online course taught by Terry Brase during the 2015 Spring semester. The course will begin Feb 16, 2015 and run to May 11, 2015.
The course will be an introduction to the analysis of yield data using ArcGIS. Basic tools and techniques for creating interpretative maps such as temporal analysis; statistical analysis; net profit; and suitability maps will provide a fundamental understanding of analysis concepts. The course is hands on using actual data in ArcGIS.
Students should have strong computer skills and introductory skills in ArcGIS. Participants will be provided with a student version of ArcGIS for use in class exercises.
The 3 credits is college credit and not just continuing education credit therefore people will need to register with Kirkwood CC to enroll. Call Kirkwood at 1-800-363-2220 for registration assistance.