Precision Farming Dealer

Lessiter Publications' Jack Zemlicka to Address Equipment Dealers' Meeting

February 19, 2015

Jack Zemlicka, managing editor of Precision Farming Dealer and the technology editor for Farm Equipment, will be speaking at the 2015 joint annual meeting of the Deep South Equipment Dealers Assn., the Midwest Dealers Assn., the Southern Equipment Dealers Assn. and the SouthEastern Equipment Dealers Assn. The meeting, which will be held Feb. 22-24 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., will focus on turning technology into profit.

Zemlicka will be speaking on, “Perspectives on Precision Service Plans, Data Management and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.”

Other speakers will include Bryan Dodge, who will give presentations entitled, “How to Beat Your Best Year Ever” and “How to Build a Team that Works without You.” Anne Salemo, president of Charter Software, will give a talk on, “Utilizing Technology to Better Serve & Satisfy Customers.” Lance Formwalt, an attorney with Seigfreid Bingham, will be speaking on, “Data and Technology in the Dealership: Managing Risk & Customer Expectations.” Lastly, Jerry Schemmel, radio sports broadcaster, will give a talk entitled, “The Real Meaning of Success.”