Ninox Robotics to Launch Pest Control UAV in Australia
According to PC and Tech Authority, Ninox Robotics is in the midst of bringing an Australian-first UAV service to farmers. The company has been engaging in drone trials of its UAVs in Queensland and New South Wales in an array of challenging scenarios. The Bluebird Aerosystems-made UAVs, which boast a nearly three-meter wingspan and a dual-camera system for visual and thermal siting, were tasked with picking out two dogs from a herd of sheep, finding a simulated lost individual, tracking a fire, and finding wild boars and directing a sharpshooter to their location to eliminate the pests.
In a press release, Marcus Erlich with Ninox Robotics said:
“Australian landholders and managers have been struggling against the problem of invasive pest species for decades, including feral dogs, pigs, deer and rabbits. The issue has caused cumulatively billions of dollars in damages and lost revenue, as well as significant destruction to the country’s unique biodiversity. With the application of UAVs, we have a new weapon in this fight, which will provide unparalleled effectiveness in pest detection and enhance existing control techniques. It’s a quantum leap over any of the current pest intelligence gathering methods currently available. Given the losses in the farming sector alone to things like wild dogs, we consider this to be an affordable investment."
The military-grade UAV is powered by a single prop, and launches via slingshot-style catapult and it's equipped with a parachute and airbag that deploys to protect the unit during landing.
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