AgSolver, Pheasants Forever Hire Precision Ag Business Specialist
ST. PAUL, Minn. — With generous support from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Pheasants Forever and AgSolver have expanded the Precision Agriculture Business Planning Initiative to Minnesota with the recent hiring of Precision Ag Business Planning Specialist Nathan Getting.
The partnership offers business, agronomic and conservation planning services for Minnesota farmers with the goal of increasing farm income by integrating alternative options such as conservation practices on less profitable crop acres.
“We have to make sure we are managing our fields like businesses, allocating our working capital within and across our fields while staying focused on return-on-investment,” said Dave Muth, co-founder and senior vice president of AgSolver. “We’re pleased to partner with Pheasants Forever to expand this service to growers and ag retailers in Minnesota.”
Getting will work closely with ag producers to conduct precision business planning in southern and western Minnesota. He will also work with participating ag retailers such as grain cooperatives, certified crop advisers, ag lenders and others that work with producers to help them be successful and profitable. As the foundation for the partnership, Getting will utilize AgSolver’s Profit Zone Manager platform technology, which focuses on return-of-investment (ROI) at a sub-field scale. With a variety of conservation programs currently available in Minnesota — including alternative practices such as forage production — yielding high rental rates, ROI technology can define areas where conservation practices are more profitable for producers than row crops while diversifying farm income and providing environmental benefits over the long-term.
“I am excited to help deliver precision ag business planning with Minnesota farmers to help them become more profitable. As a fourth-generation farmer myself, sustainability is important in agriculture and precision ag allows farmers to be economical while conserving land and water resources,” said Getting.
Receiving his B.S. in Agribusiness Management from Southwest Minnesota State University in May of 2016, Getting will be responsible for landowner agronomic and conservation planning services in the region of southwest Minnesota. Prior to joining Pheasants Forever, Getting worked with New Vision Co-op and AgStar Financial Services to gain valuable experience for his new position.
Getting will officially start as the Precision Agriculture Business Planning Specialist on May 10, and can be contacted at (507) 329-2724 or email
About AgSolver
AgSolver is an agronomic data and simulation/analytics company located in Ames, Iowa. AgSolver was founded by engineers and data scientists who live and breathe Midwest agriculture. The AgSolver team uses that combination of proven technical expertise and practical in-field management experience to deliver impactful decision services to farmers, land managers, land owners, retail agriculture, financial service providers and conservation professionals. AgSolver focuses on a management process called Precision Business Planning. Precision Business Planning transitions land management decision making from the current nearly exclusive focus on “maximum yield and revenue” to “business focused” decision making. This maximizes financial return on investment for each acre and each dollar of committed working capital. Precision Business Planning simultaneously delivers improved financial and environmental performance through our land management practices.