Wheat Growers to Hold Maximizing ROI Workshops
ABERDEEN, S.D. — With many Dakota corn and soybean farmers reporting record yields this fall, Wheat Growers, Precision Farming Dealer's 2014 Most Valuable Dealership, will hold a half-day producer workshop titled “Maximizing Return on Investment: Securing Yield Potential Throughout the Season.”
The USDA is predicting the largest corn yield to date with a projection of 175.3 bushels per acre, and an equally strong soybean yield of 52.5 bushels per acre. In the Dakotas, many Wheat Growers members are reporting corn yields above 200 bushels per acre and soybean yields of 60 bushels per acre.
At the upcoming Maximizing Return on Investment workshops, Wheat Growers agronomists will provide in-depth insight into these record yields, beginning with a review of summer plot data. Other presentations will examine fertilizer and crop protection strategies that contributed to producing exceptional yield results.
The first Maximizing Return on Investment workshop will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13, at the Bath Innovation Center. The workshop will be repeated on Friday, Dec. 16, at the Kimball Agronomy Center. Both workshops will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 2 p.m., with complimentary lunch served at noon.
Topics for the workshops will include planter efficiency, nutrient strategies, maximizing yields with herbicides and fungicides, a review of bio-stimulants and a showcase of results from the Wheat Growers’ MZB precision ag program.
For more information on the Maximizing Return on Investment workshops, visit wheatgrowers.com or contact your local Wheat Growers agronomist.