Precision Farming Dealer

Hemisphere GNSS Introduces LandMetrix OEM Toolkit

March 8, 2017

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Hemisphere GNSS Inc. introduced its new OEM toolkit for high-precision GNSS-based guidance and machine control systems for precision agriculture. LandMetrix encompasses next-generation, core software designed to empower heavy equipment manufacturers to deliver their own precision agriculture solutions, including hardware and software, to their customers.

Agriculture equipment manufacturers in large part, have had to rely on after-market systems to provide their machine control positioning technology. After-market systems also compete with OEMs creating (i) a lack of brand identity, (ii) a lack of customizable solutions, and (iii) a lack of integration tools, all of which are essential to facilitating superior system performance.

“Giving high-precision performance on all tractor sizes”, states John McClure, project manager at Hemisphere, “but targeted towards the smaller, sub 140 hp, tractor OEM market. This is enormous worldwide and at last has a cost-effective guidance, control, and telematics solution.”

Agility and Technology Meets Agriculture

Manufacturers are looking for flexibility and price performance in existing system offerings or in new systems. Hemisphere is providing the world’s first “full system OEM positioning solution toolkit” for building complete guidance and machine control systems for precision agriculture with the announcement of LandMetrix which encompasses application software and an array of compatible GNSS hardware components. These include IronOneIS Rugged Display & Computer and VR1000IS integrated GNSS+IMU Smart Receiver/Controller.