Precision Farming Dealer
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2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition)

Now is the time to improve – and profit – from YOUR precision farming business

May 5, 2017

2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition) Cover

The “2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition)” eGuide highlights strategies for expanding and evolving your precision business, and it’s FREE!

Dear Manager,

There are 2 things that can be said about precision farming: it’s taken awhile to gain traction, but now that it’s here, it’s not going anywhere. The precision farming departments in dealerships across the country are growing and changing rapidly, even with unpredictable swings in commodity prices. Remaining profitable, however, lies in anticipating trends and staying ahead of the curve.

Taking the market’s pulse and willing to change to the rhythm is what sustained success is made of. That’s why tracking emerging opportunities and staying on top of what your customers desire is so crucial.

In a market where budgets are tight, precision hardware isn’t flying off the shelves like it used to. In fact, data shows that only 40% of dealers forecast growth in 2016 – down from previous years. Despite this, the 2016 Precision Farming Dealer benchmark survey shows, precision hardware still produces 53% of dealerships’ precision revenue.

The last 4 years of study data have established our market leadership as the go-to resource for high-value information to improve your precision business.

To showcase the many opportunities in the industry, we’ve compiled the results of this dealer survey on precision farming sales and service into an eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many managers as possible at a time when every possible sale counts.

Get this eGuide for Free with a Free Account!

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The 2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results Volume 4 is a thorough, actionable reference to make sense of the present state of the precision farming industry. It’s a yardstick to measure your business operations against your peers and draw inspiration from the conclusions. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you …

  • Learn about the 11 different precision services your peers are offering and what proportion of their revenue is coming from each service
  • Identify the specific methods fellow dealers are using to deliver data management service to their customers
  • Decide whether a dedicated precision sales staff is superior to having a farm equipment salesperson handle the department based on the results other dealerships are having
  • Prioritize your greatest needs and get guidance on allocating resources equitably from everything between customer and technician training to expanding your product line
  • Capture the return on investment you want from your 5-year plan for growing your precision farming business.

Because precision ag is evolving so quickly, losing ground to competition can happen unexpectedly. New businesses intent on cornering the precision market are popping up all the time. You and your managers need the best, most up-to-date information to base your decisions on.

A well-informed strategy can be the difference between profit and loss. It can also make or break customer loyalty. Consider this:

  • About 30% of dealers forecast seeing a 2% rise in 2016 vs. 2015, up from only 23% of dealers expecting to see the same rise last year. Find out why they’re optimistic during a time of tempered expectations. 
  • Dealers who offer signal subscriptions took an abrupt dive from last year’s 97% of respondents down to 81% in 2016. Put your finger on the pulse of the market and see if it’s time for your dealership to consider a change.

We know time is money, but even if you do nothing more than breeze through the data presented the 10 color-coded charts and tables in this FREE eGuide, you’d already have a leg up on the competition.

The editors at Precision Farming Dealer make it their business to know your business and to help cutting-edge dealers streamline their operations. This report is an easy-to-follow guide that will leave its reader in the know about current tech trends, the precision equipment market and agronomic services. Did you know …

Dealers’ Top 10 Projected Precision Farming Revenue Sources

It’s perhaps no surprise that 60% of dealers rank variable-rate planting and fertilizing technology as their most important revenue source for the next 5 years. But it may surprise you to know how nine other opportunities rank in order of importance.

  1. Variable-rate planting/fertilizing technology
  2. Planter/seeding control systems
  3. Application technology hardware
  4. Data management service
  5. GPS and guidance systems
  6. Signal subscriptions
  7. Agronomic services
  8. Software service
  9. Water management
  10. Unmanned aerial vehicles

To grasp the trends and capitalize on them for your business, Read our FREE eGuide, 2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition)

Data assembled and examined by the pros

This eGuide features survey data -- and professional analysis – from a gauntlet of your precision ag business peers from across North America. Data has been pulled from multiple dealer networks, independent precision dealers and single location dealers, and collected in one easy-to-digest resource. The data has been layered with results from 3 prior reports pulled from similar sources so savvy dealers can identify trends and then capitalize on them! Keep it handy for your strategy discussions.

Uncover the precision ag trends being followed by most progressive dealers.

Read this authoritative list – and more – FREE! Download 2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition)

That’s the kind of valuable information you get from perusing this FREE eGuide – all the data given in plain, straight-talk language, and with easy-to-decipher charts and graphs.

This eGuide isn’t just merely a collection of raw data though. It’s organized and interpreted in a way that offers an industry snapshot that shrewd managers can leverage. By having an up-to-date concept of the market, you’ll have the most relevant talking points locked and loaded for conversations with customers, suppliers and staff. The eGuide will brief you on:

  1. The ongoing trend for sales of aftermarket precision equipment and services
  2. How dealers are capitalizing on customers looking to make affordable upgrades rather than buying new equipment
  3. How data reflects a shift in ag data management services
  4. A comparison of precision specialist, manager and agronomist salaries
  5. Top dealership investment priorities for the coming year

When it’s time for your team to put pen to paper and build a plan, this eGuide will put crucial, well-sourced industry information at your fingertips to guide your decision making.

Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to maximize revenue, minimize waste and meet your customers’ needs this coming year. 

What you need to know to bring in new customers — build loyalty with existing ones

This exhaustive report can be instrumental in helping your team plan for future trends, but it also provides knowledge that you can put to work for you today:

  • Salary ranges for key precision staff, such as agronomists and precision managers.
  • Data and tips from dealers on how they’re diversifying and adapting to low commodity prices.
  • Data that tracks a 3-year gradual shift in sales of hardware as the dominant dealership moneymaker. 

This is only a taste of what this in-depth eGuide has to offer. It’s stuffed with useful information that you can download and view for free in no more time than it takes you to finish your lunch break.

Here’s a few more...

  • 97% of precision specialists are earning salaries between $25,000-$55,000, according to surveys.
  • Used precision equipment revenue has grown for the last 3 years straight.
  • 58% of dealers have a dedicated precision salesperson handling sales in their precision departments.
  • 68% of dealerships are using an hourly rate to bill out for precision service.

That’s just a sneak peek of the high-octane intel in this report. Put this, and more, information on your team’s roadmap so they can follow best practices while avoiding common industry pitfalls.

Even by reading this preview, you can see the value this meticulously sources report can bring to your business. Anyone hoping to be an industry leader in precision farming equipment will not pass it up. Choosing the read this free eGuide is a clear sign that you’re a manager intent on innovating, broadening and sharpening your precision farming business.   

You’re the exact target we’re hoping to hit with the 2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition). You’re the kind of ahead-of-the-curve person built to lead your team into the future.

Maybe you’re a well-established fixture in the precision ag world or maybe you’re just doing some initial prospecting, but either way, you can get a jump by picking up this thorough, authoritative – FREE – eGuide.

Do you want to be on the forefront of precision farming trends before the competition?

Are you ready to take actionable information and transform it into dealership-wide profits?  

Do you want to provide a level of service that creates a sense of loyalty among your precision service customers?

Then what are you waiting for? Download this free eGuide now and get the tools, guidance and motivation to chase down those goals.  

Get this eGuide for Free with a Free Account!

New members, click "Sign Up" for free account. Or, regular members click "Log In".

Yours for a better farm equipment industry,

Michaela Paukner, Precision Farming Dealer


PS: What percentage of dealers are projecting precision growth of 8% or more? Will you be one of them? Find out how to do it by downloading 2016 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results (4th Edition) right now.

PSS: Knowing which trends to chase down can help guide your team’s investment priorities and potential profits. No one has a crystal ball with which to see the future, but this eGuide is about as good an educated guess as you can find in the precision farming industry, and it’s FREE!


What new insights did you gain? What jumped out at you? Share your observations.