Top 10 Precision Farming Stories from May 2017
Here are the most popular items we've put up on from the month of May.
The most viewed item this month was related to the Deere and Precision Planting deal. This topic showed up in this month's top articles several times this month, in a Virtual Terminal blog post and in the Technology Corner.
1. UPDATE: Monsanto, Deere Deal for Precision Planting Faced Too Many Hurdles
2. John Deere and Precision Planting Merger Ends Before It Begins
3. Hardware Has Its Price, But is Data More Valuable?
4. Is ‘Day of Reckoning’ Coming for Digital Ag?
5. Precision Perspective: What Should We Charge for Precision Service?
6. Unlawfully "Tying" Ag Data Platforms Together
7. [Technology Corner] Termination of Deere Deal Doesn’t Devalue Data
8. Mobile Ag Apps Creating In-Field Efficiencies, Opportunities
9. Analysts Say Digital Agriculture is Most Promising Industry Innovation
10. Tersus Releases New Auto-Steer Solution
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