Precision Farming Dealer

ISOBUS: AEF Spring Plugfest in Lincoln, Nebraska

March 28, 2013

The ISOBUS Plugfest events organized twice a year by the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) are now one of the most important opportunities to test the compatibility of electronic components for agricultural machinery. The Plugfest event planned for this spring will take place between April 23 and 26, 2013 at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE, and it will again be held in cooperation with the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab (NTTL).

AEF is an international body of leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery that supports the implementation of the international ISOBUS standard. ISOBUS improves communication between tractors, tools and agricultural software.

The Plugfest events organized by AEF offer the companies' electronics developers the chance to test the compatibility of their systems with one another. To do this, the manufacturers' control units are combined with various tractor terminals. Due to the high rate of global development for ISOBUS products, Plugfest events take place twice a year – once in the USA and once in Europe.

Participant numbers at the AEF Plugfest events have increased significantly over the last few years. In Wieselburg (Austria) last fall, there were around 150 participants. The number of tests to be scheduled has now increased so much that the Plugfest event has been extended to three days to give all participants enough time for individual test combinations.

New for this Plugfest event, AEF will provide special test scheduling for Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS). During the first Plugfest day, FMIS participants will have the chance to exchange task data files with tractor terminal suppliers in order to test compatibility.

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