Precision Farming Dealer

Top 10 Precision Farming Stories from May 2018

June 1, 2018

Here are the most popular items we’ve put up on from the month of May.

Topping the list this month was news of Farmers Edge's release of a comprehensive R&D roadmap. May was also popular month for topics related to data, with a late April blog on commercializing data landing on the top viewed list for May and a guest blog on GDPR and it's relation to North American ag platforms rounding out the list. 

Here’s the entire list:

1. Farmers Edge Releases 2018 R&D Roadmap with Focus on Data-Driven Decision Support

2. [Technology Corner] Farmers Edge Partnering with Raven

3. Mahindra to Establish Ag Tech Center at Virginia Tech

4. Deere’s 2Q18 Net Sales Rise 34%, Ag Up 22%

5. Commercializing Your Data — Yeah, There’s an App for That

6. Get Good Crop Data First, Then Invest in Technology

7. Avoiding ‘Surprise’ Precision Costs

8. [Technology Corner] John Deere RelativeFlow Blockage System Reflects Growing Standard for In-Cab Alerts

9. 33 Tips for Turning Billable Service Into Recurring Precision Revenue

10. Does GDPR Apply to North American Ag Data Platforms?

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Laura Vietmeyer

Laura Vietmeyer was a Digital Content Specialist for Lessiter Media until 2019. She holds an undergraduate degree in Writing Intensive English from Marquette University. Laura joined the Lessiter Media Digital Media team in the fall of 2016.