Precision Farming Dealer

Blockage Monitors

November 1, 2018

J.Assy – Visum Flow Blockage Monitor


Tech Specs: Working with Montag Mfg., for distribution, the Visum Flow Blockage monitor system is wireless and consists of a hose sensor, vibration flow detection and in-cab monitor. The unit is available on a variety of strip-till row unit models and helps track application rates on dry fertilizer.

Compatibility Index: Available as Aftermarket Product


If there is a blockage in the boot of the row unit or in the meter, the operator will get an audible indication of the plug in the row, and which row.


Intelligent Ag Solutions – Recon SpreadSense


Tech Specs: The Recon SpreadSense is the industry’s first blockage monitor for floaters. The system utilizes acoustic technology to detect flow through the machine. As product hits the impact plate, it processes that information and sends that audio signal to the electronic control unit. The signal is then processed and sent wirelessly to a tablet in the cab for the operator to see.

Compatibility Index: Available as Aftermarket Product


The tablet interface has quick identifiers as a mass flow number, to show quickly product is moving through the machine, and then identify blockages through green or red indicators.


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