[Technology Corner] Deere Guides GPS Use Among Strip-Tillers
Strip-till farmers have typically been among the most progressive adopters of precision technology, embracing tools including variable-rate seeding, implement guidance and unmanned aerial vehicles.
But RTK-level correction is often referred to as the most essential technology in a successful strip-till system, given the importance of accurately planting into a narrow strip of soil.
Results of the 6th Annual Strip-Till Operational Benchmark Study, which analyzed the 2018 cropping season of more than 200 strip-tillers from 23 states, revealed that use of RTK among strip-tillers topped 80% for the fourth consecutive year.
So which is the most popular brand of GPS system among strip-tillers? For the fifth year in a row, John Deere topped the list by nearly a 2 to 1 margin over second place. While 40% of strip-tillers utilize Deere guidance, the total is more than 9 points down from last year.
Trimble and Ag Leader tied for the second spot at about 22% each, largely consistent with prior years, while just under 12% of strip-tillers utilize Case IH GPS systems.
There was more manufacturer diversity in this year’s benchmark study, with eight different brands used by at least 3% of respondents.
You can see more comprehensive analysis of the 6th Annual Strip-Till Benchmark study to include breakdowns of equipment usage, fertilizing practices and yield data during a free, live webinar event on Thursday, July 11. Visit StripTillFarmer.com/webinars for more information.