Trimble Consolidates Colorado Operations at Westminster Campus
According to a report from Daily Camera, Trimble has sold its 60,030 square foot space in Boulder, Colo., that it purchased in 2019 and opted to consolidate all its Colorado operations in Westminster, Colo. This will result in 140 jobs leaving Boulder. The company also moved its operations in Englewood to Westminster as well.
The full report stated:
"Trimble purchased the 60,030-square-foot building in July 2019 for $12.16 million and spent another estimated $12 million on upgrades to the facility — even placing signage — but never occupied the space. Trimble spokeswoman LeeAnn McNabb said the company opted to consolidate in Westminster because of the availability of space at the Westminster campus. Trimble opened a new 119,000-square-foot building in the Westmoor Technology Park in late 2018, joining an existing 125,000-square-foot building."
McNabb also stated that the arrival of COVID-19 had stopped the company from ever moving into the space in Boulder and that the company employs about 700 people in Colorado.