Precision Farming Dealer

John Deere Plans 'See & Spray Ultimate' Limited Release

December 2, 2021

In Deere’s earnings call for its fiscal year 2021 earnings report, President of Production & Precision Ag Cory Reed mentioned ongoing plans for the company’s previously teased See & Spray Ultimate technology, which Director of Investor Relations Josh Jepsen described in Deere’s second quarter 2021 earnings as “a green-on-green solution for corn and soybeans.”

“See & Spray Ultimate is going to hit the market this year on a limited basis, and we're excited to get it into more customers’ hands,” said Reed. “We view See & Spray as just the first step in a long series of sense and act, and that journey we’re encouraged by to see early demand for both See & Spray itself and multiple products related to plant-level management in the future.”

When asked by analysts for more detail on the See & Spray Ultimate release, Jepsen confirmed it could be used for cotton, in addition to the previously announced corn and soybeans.

“We're now taking many units into a commercial application with select customers in 2022 of See & Spray Ultimate,” says Reed. “That's to both prove out our business model and show the value and then we'll ramp from there. So, it's a really exciting journey. We're seeing a lot of demand for it and we're excited about it going forward.”

In June 2021, when asked about the mention of See & Spray Ultimate in the company’s second quarter 2021 earnings call, John Deere gave the following response to Precision Farming Dealer:

“John Deere has not officially debuted ‘See & Spray Ultimate’ that was mentioned on the Q2 2021 Earnings Call. As you may recall hearing during the March 2021 new product introduction, ‘See & Spray Select’ is the first product John Deere has brought to market in this product line. John Deere continues to innovate new technologies to bring to market to create more profitable & sustainable customers. There may be more to come, including ‘See & Spray Ultimate’ which was mentioned in the most recent earnings call.”