Wheat Growers Adds RTK to Precision Offerings
Wheat Growers has joined the Rural Tower Network, a growing tower network that brings the precision and repeatability of Real Time Kinematic (RTK) to Farmland in South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota.
“Membership in the Rural Tower Network will benefit our member-owners by allowing Wheat Growers to provide a more accurate and value added fall fertilizer application with most of our Strip Till equipment,” Brent Wiesenburger, Wheat Growers Precision Ag Manager, said.
"Membership in the Rural Tower Network will benefit our member-owners by allowing Wheat Growers to provide a more accurate and value added fall fertilizer application with most of our Strip Till equipment."
— Brent Wiesenburger, |
“This network is the largest provider of the RTK signal in the Upper Midwest and provides our growers with the most accurate corrected GPS signal for every aspect of their operation, from spring planting to fall harvest.” Kirk Johnson, Project Manager of the Rural Tower network says “Having Wheat Growers as a customer is a winning combination for both them and us. Their vast footprint across North and South Dakota fits right into the tower network we continue to develop in that geography to serve our mutual customers.”
According to the Rural Tower Network’s website, “RTK provides differential signal correction that is accurate to less than an inch in the horizontal plane.”
Wheat Growers’ MZB Precision Farming System delivers a patented, zone-based, system that delivers multi-layer field management for site-specific application of agricultural inputs. “MZB will be able to utilize the network’s RTK as well,” Wiesenburger said. “Most of the new fields enrolled in our MZB system will continue to get consistent elevation readings, but the added value to the Rural Tower Network will be that now those reading will be relative from one field to the next. That will enable a producer to know exactly where water will flow for drainage.”
Editor's Note: South Dakota Wheat Growers based in Aberdeen, S.D., was the recipient of Precision Farming Dealer's second annual Most Valuable Dealership. Here is a series of video interviews we did with Brent Wiesenburger and his staff.