Agri-Inject Introduces Automatic Injection Control for Changing Conditions
Center pivot corner systems become a valuable asset for their ability to irrigate more acres for a little more investment. Unfortunately, they haven’t worked out as well when it comes to applying fertilizer with a corner system. Too often, fertilizer injection systems cannot respond proportionally to the changing flow conditions as the corner section extends and retracts.
In response to this issue, Agri-Inject has introduced reflex, an intelligent injection control system. When coupled with an Agri-Inject injection pump, reflex provides automatic, responsive control of fertilizer or chemical flow into the system to match changing irrigation conditions.
“With reflex technology, the changing water flow rates are sensed automatically and adjustment is immediately made to the rate of the injection pump to ensure consistent, fertilizer dosing,” explains Erik Tribelhorn, CEO of Agri-Inject. “Better yet, it doesn’t matter whether those variable flow rates are the result of a corner span extending, a change in pivot speed, changing flow rate from the pump, a variable-rate pivot or mixed-size zone drip irrigation. The reflex system allows the injection pump to be precisely proportional to the flow of the water.”
Tribelhorn says it only takes an aerial photo to see how crop color is affected by a reduction in fertilizer in the areas where a corner system has extended. Those areas later produce weaker, lower yielding crops.
Meanwhile, setting up the reflex panel to work properly with virtually any type of irrigation system is a quick and simple process. The touchscreen panel allows the user to configure the system for flow settings, sensor information, injection pump settings and more.
"With reflex technology, the changing water flow rates are sensed automatically and adjustment is immediately made to the rate of the injection pump to ensure consistent, fertilizer dosing." |
“In less than five minutes, reflex is programmed and ready to work,” Tribelhorn concludes. “Fertigation is still one of the best management practices on an irrigated farm today. The reflex unit simply ensures proportional injection.”
Founded in 1983 near Yuma, Colorado, in the heart of one the of most productive irrigation counties in the nation, Agri-Inject has grown into one of the largest suppliers of valves and chemigation, fertigation and insectigator pumps and systems in the world.
To learn more about Agri-Inject or the ApplyYourself app, call 970-848-5336 or 800-4-INJECT, or view the full line of products at