2017 Most Valuable Dealership Videos


The 2017 recipient of Precision Farming Dealer’s fifth annual Most Valuable Dealership is Southern States Cooperative based in Richmond, Va.

Filmed on location with members of the company's precision farming team, we gained an intimate understanding of the retailer's evolving motivations, methods and management of its precision farming business.

This video series is being brought to you by MapShots. From soil test automation to fertility recommendations and seeding recommendations, MapShot's AgStudio platform is a streamlined approach and a complete precision farming solution that provides powerful features within an intuitive interface. Analytical tools offer the ability to evaluate agronomic results to facilitate making the best decisions for a successful operation. 

Read more about Southern States Cooperative in this article from the Winter 2017 edition of Precision Farming Dealer:

Leveraging Agronomy Technology Delivers Flexible & Scalable Precision Services

Read Article


David Swain, Precision Farming Manager


Building a Precision Business Around Crop Services

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Understanding Cost vs. Value of a Precision Business

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Prescribing the Proper Data
Management Tools for ROI

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Kevin Powell, Territory Sales Manager

Banking on Billable Support to Build Credibility

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Weston Waters, Precision Farming Coordinator

Collaborative Training Breeds
Service Confidence

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Chris Conway, Precision Farming Coordinator

An à la carte Approach Provides Service Flexibility
Watch Video

Marlin Melander, Fleet Operations Specialist

Leveraging Telematic Tools to
Improve Field Efficiency

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Southern States Cooperative Members


Collaboration with Competition
Keeps Customers Satisfied

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Developing a Deep Bench of
Precision Expertise

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