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Tech Specs: Bestway’s AutoGlideXR builds on the AutoGlide automatic boom height control systems for most brands of self-propelled and pull-type sprayers. Additional features include rugged, long-range ultrasonic sensors mounted on the spray boom to continually monitor and maintain the height of the booms above the ground or crop canopy. This provides more consistent spray patterns, better coverage and reduced drift potential. The system also utilizes a sprayer’s existing electric-over-hydraulic controls so there are no extra hydraulic components.

WOW Factor: Uses long-range ultrasonic sensors for optimum performance in challenging terrain conditions. New features include three-sensor mode settings — canopy, ground and partial canopy for matching performance to varying field conditions. Systems come in 2,3,4 and 5 sensor models and are available for most self-propelled and pull-type sprayers — even older models — with live hydraulic boom controls.

Norac UC5
Tech Specs: Norac’s UC5 spray height control system is the company’s most advanced boom height control system and latest generation of height control. This controller is ISOBUS 11783 certified and can be operated through the Norac Pulse color touchscreen display, or through a variety of virtual terminals and displays. This system uses ultrasonic sensors mounted on the left, right and center sections of the boom to monitor field terrain and make responsive boom height adjustments allowing more effective chemical use and stress-free spraying for the operator. The system features the patented Hybrid Mode technology, which tracks both the crop canopy and the soil surface simultaneously to determine a continuous “virtual” crop canopy. The system also offers advanced troubleshooting and diagnostic capabilities.
Compatibility Index: ISOBUS Certified Component, Available Factory Installed

WOW Factor: Will reduce drifting and streaking and result in accurate, smooth control of the sprayer. The system is fast, reliable and allows spraying capabilities during the day or night.