Tulare, Calif. — World Ag Expo has precisely mapped nearly all of its 2.6 million square feet of show grounds using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The new technology has replaced the antiquated method of physically measuring and marking spaces for more than 1400 exhibitors since 1968.
Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA), a global innovative positioning technology provider for precision farming, has provided its GNSS survey equipment to map the grounds of the world's largest annual agricultural exposition.
"Topcon Precision Agriculture is enthusiastic both about 2012 World Ag Expo, and the opportunity to offer some of the latest advancements in improving the efficiency and productivity of agricultural equipment," says Michael Gomes, director of marketing, Topcon Precision Agriculture. "From automatic steering, through variable rate application and on farm GIS software, Topcon has a suite of products that help farmers become more profitable and efficient with their resources."