Hemisphere GPS has introduced multiple enhancements to its popular eDriveX automated steering system. With support for the VSi electric steering interface, improved contour functionality, and additional vehicle kit support, eDriveX v2.1 provides an accurate and affordable steering platform for precision farming applications. For eDriveX users needing long-range functionality, Hemisphere GPS has also released 400 MHz radio repeater kits that extend the range of our RTK systems.
VSi support brings high performance steering to the simplicity of an electric steering wheel solution and allows eDriveX to be installed on vehicle platforms not previously targeted with hydraulic kits. VSi is a quick and easy performance solution when using eDriveX on a second tractor or other farm machinery.
eDriveX contour improvements include Identical A/B Contour, an additional guidance mode that allows for curve following where skipping passes and repeatability is required, and Adaptive A/B Contour, which allows on-the-fly modification of an identical A/B contour to account for obstacles or changes in terrain.
The new Pre-Engage function allows the operator to engage the steering system early so that once the machine is driven back within certain parameters, auto-steering takes over without the need for user input. This provides the opportunity to focus on other machine operations and even allows the operator to engage auto-steering while the vehicle is stationary. Additionally, Hemisphere GPS is releasing to specific markets its Pre-Planned guidance functionality that allows growers to survey fields and create guidance paths using a GIS tool and export the lines in a shape file for use by S3 and eDriveX for auto-steering — contact Outback Guidance sales or customer service for more information on this exciting new feature.
Hemisphere GPS has released new, vehicle-specific installation kits to support eDriveX VSi functionality. The installation kits include all necessary parts and detailed, easy to use, vehicle-specific step by step instructions that enable customers to install the system themselves with no special training.
The new radio repeater kits are compatible with 400MHz A320/A321 and A220/A221 smart antennas. The repeater kits extend the range of the RTK system utilizing our standard 5 watt 400MHz radio, and help to maintain radio connection when working in valleys and near dense tree foliage. Available as either a portable or fixed repeater installation kit, it's easy to set up using the included PC-based configuration tool.
"We are always looking for ways to improve upon our successful eDriveX product line that offers industry leading performance and great value and we believe customers will appreciate the VSi support as well as the new guidance features," says Kip Pendleton, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Agriculture, for Hemisphere GPS. "Providing new and innovative product features is at the core of our solution-based approach to helping current and new customers become more efficient and productive."
Outback eDriveX with VSi functionality and all other Outback Guidance products are available now through Outback Guidance Centers and through Hemisphere GPS distributors worldwide. Also, contact Outback Guidance customer service or visit www.outbackguidance.com for more information.
Hemisphere GPS
Hemisphere GPS designs and manufactures innovative, cost-effective GPS (GNSS) products for positioning, guidance, and machine control applications in agriculture, marine, survey, construction, and other markets. The Company holds numerous patents and other intellectual property and owns several leading brand names, including Outback Guidance, a leading brand in precision GPS for agriculture. The Company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with major product development, sales, and marketing facilities in Arizona, Kansas, and Australia. Hemisphere GPS is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) trading under the symbol "HEM" and is one of the TSX Cleantech designated companies. For more information about Hemisphere GPS, please go to www.hemispheregps.com.