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Tech Specs: CropTrak is a mobile farm data management framework that collects both IoT (automated) and IoP (manual) data. The platform works with the farmer’s crop and farming style, designed with customer changeable forms, pick lists, math and artificial intelligence assistant. It’s the only ag app doing all its processing on the iOS mobile platform, allowing operators to work anywhere, with or without the internet. The platform turns stored data into farm management dashboards, work assignments, prescriptions and reports. The system is integrated with third parties including IBM, Farmobile tractor data, FarmShots imagery, AgSense irrigation and other systems that broadcast updates using CSV and Excel.

WOW Factor: The platform’s rapid entry and artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced mobile platform makes it possible to collect and report more data in less time. Being fully customizable means farmers control what they collect from trails to good agriculture processes.
AYRSTONE PRODUCTIVITY — AyrMesh Wireless Farm Network

Tech Specs: The wireless farm networking system from Ayrstone Productivity allows users to cover their entire farm with a wireless network using meshing wi-fi technology. The network can be used for security cameras, remote control of machinery, remote sensing, data transfer from cab computers and even providing RTK corrections to equipment.

WOW Factor: The platform allows growers to have a private wireless network in which they control the coverage and the access. Enhance security and data collection and save money on cellular costs by using existing internet access anywhere on the farm.