Precision Farming Dealer
- 2025 Most Valuable Dealership Delivers Cutting-Edge Tech to Farms Across U.S.
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Eric Lund
Capitalizing on delivery of agronomic and data management service offerings may feel like a daunting task. However, the opportunity to add a new layer of revenue to the dealership, especially in the current economic climate, is significant and many farm equipment dealers are taking the leap.
Soil sampling services, traditionally the realm of independent agronomists, consultants or input retailers, may initially seem an odd complement to machinery sales. But as recently as 2015, more than 30% of dealers responding to Precision Farming Dealer’s annual benchmark study said they included soil sampling among the precision services they offered.
As more planters, spreaders and sprayers are being outfitted with precision equipment designed to manage in-field variability, it becomes more natural to aid in mapping that variability. Dealers who have the most success offering these services are the ones who go into the endeavor with a solid operational plan, says Eric Lund, president of Veris Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of soil testing and mapping equipment.
In this live webinar event, and the final program in this three part series, Lund provided examples of how soil mapping and sampling can be coupled with equipment expertise to meet unmet agronomic needs of growers and take advantage of untapped data management service opportunities.
Here's what you'll learn: