Botterill Sales is the distributor for Northern Plains Drainage Systems, the creator of the Ditch Assist Grade Control System and the NP-800 RTK system. Northern Plains Drainage believes in creating affordable systems for all farmers that are simple to use. After being frustrated with comparable systems on the market, Northern Plains created the Ditch Assist, the first machine control system that uses an Android tablet as a monitor. The Android monitor dramatically reduces cost of the system and allows automatic software updates to the customer through Google Play. The system uses a proportional valve to control the height of the implement. By offering a complete system that doesn’t hook into the tractor’s electronics, they have created a “color blind” system that can be easily moved between tractors and implements. It will also work with nearly any GPS guidance system on the market. The standard system retails for only $6,495.
The next problem to be solved was the cost of the RTK guidance that was often needed for accurate work. Many customers couldn’t afford the cost of RTK upgrades needed only for machine control. By using new technology just recently made available, Northern Plains has released the NP-800 RTK base and rover system. This provides RTK accuracy and is ready to work with Ditch Assist for only $5,000.
Botterill Sales is working actively to create a larger dealer network throughout North America and is excited about the future of this product. For more information go to www.DitchAssist.com
- Ditch Assist – Simple, affordable machine control system
- NP800 - Low cost RTK base and rover system