In this limited podcast series, AgriSync interviews six experts to discuss different elements of customer support in order to help ag advisors plan for the customer service strategy in 2020. Listeners will gain insights on how to elevate their customer support strategy to become more planned, effective, and profitable. Each of the podcasts will dive into a customer support component, breaking it down with the expert, helping to find tangible ways to implement it into the listeners strategy. To ask questions ahead of time, email the host, Michael Kremer, at

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Effective Customer Communication — We’ll talk about the importance of customer communication and explore the different channels available used to communicate with customers. This will include more traditional ways of communication like text and voice but will also explore the evolving world of video and social media.

Creating High Performance Teams — Key to the implementation of a customer service strategy is having the right team in place to execute it. From figuring out who the right people are and how to keep them motivated, we explore different strategies and tactics to help you create a rock star team.

Delivering Adverse News — Giving customers good news is easy, but delivering bad news is not. In this podcast we will talk about the different steps to take when delivering adverse news to customers and how to make the most out of an unfavorable situation.

Measuring the Customer Experience ­— It’s one thing to say you want to improve customer satisfaction, but how do you know if you really are? We talk to a topic expert on tools you can use to benchmark and measure the customer experience along with how to use the feedback to improve your outcome.

Hiring Employees/The Millennial Generation — With record low unemployment and a changing style of the workforce, hiring and maintaining employees is more difficult than ever. Talking with industry recruiting and HR experts, we explore different methods to finding the right team members and the differences between the generations.

Providing Effective Remote Support — With growing territories and only so many hours in the day, it is increasingly difficult to solve all your customer issues on-site. We talk to an industry peer about their strategies, tools, and successes in providing effective remote support to their customers.

Want to ask an expert a question before the podcast? We’d love to hear what you want to know. Simply reach out to Michael Kremer ( and let him know what you are curious about.
