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When drones first hit the ag market, there was a lot of buzz around the new technology. But adoption of drone use was slow — largely due to FAA rules.

Rantizo has a new model for drone service that solves those problems, while also still working in the standard way farmers and their advisers do business.

By establishing a network of regional, authorized Rantizo dealers, their model capitalizes on the relationship farmers already have with their trusted crop consultants/agronomists and dealer services. Plus, provides another valuable service regional dealers and crop consultants can provide to their farm clients!

In today’s Precision Farming Dealer podcast Michael Ott, CEO of Rantizo shares some background on the ag tech company and how they are looking to grow their network of drone service and work closely with precision farming dealers who already have established relationships with farm customers.

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The Precision Farming Dealer podcast series is brought to you by Trimble.

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Tune into the monthly podcast segment, brought to you by Trimble Agriculture featuring precision perspective on a range of trending ag tech topics.

Intro Music: Squire Tuck - Rush to the Head
Interlude Music: Squire Tuck - Expressing One's Emotions in Public