2023 Precision Farmer Dealer Benchmark Study Results.png

[Video] 2023 Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study Results

Find out how your precision dealership compares to other North American precision ag dealers during this reveal of the 11th annual Precision Farming Dealer Benchmark Study results. Noah Newman, technology editor at Precision Farming Dealer, presents data from North America’s only comprehensive survey of precision farming dealership practices, including revenue forecasts, connected data and customer insights, top challenges ahead in 2024, outlook on the impact of autonomy on dealerships and much more. Plus — dealers in attendance discuss the numbers after the data is revealed. 

The 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit Video Replay is brought to you by Susterre.    

Susterre is pioneering the use of ultra-high pressure water jets in row crop applications. Susterre’s technology facilitates the use of regenerative practices like no-till farming and cover crops by effectively cutting through heavy crop residue with little downforce, placing agricultural inputs into the soil where they don’t wash away, and allowing farmers to plant more hours per day. This helps drive costs out of farming, regenerate the soil and preserve natural resources. You can learn more on Susterre’s website.

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