The Western Corn Belt Precision Ag Conference held March 18-19, 2014 in Sioux Falls at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, 1101 N. West Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104, will feature a wide variety of presenters and exhibits related to the latest in precision agriculture with the focus on increasing crop yields through the use of newly developed Precision Planting Technologies.
The new precision planting technologies from Raven, Kinze, and John Deere will be available for inspection.
Conference highlights:
Multiple SDSU precision research scientists and SDSU Extension specialists will bring updates for planting, pest control, and drainage for the 2014 growing season.
Darren Hefty and the popular program, Ag Ph.D. will be hosted live from the stage from 2-3 p.m. on March 18. John Deere will be exhibiting their newly unveiled ExactEmerge planting system that is capable of accurately placing seed at speeds almost twice as fast as recommended in the past. Kinze collaborating with Raven industries will be exhibiting their newest multi hybrid planter. Company experts will be available to discuss the latest in precision planting along with the speed and accuracy of the 4900 model.
There will be representatives from many of the major agronomic suppliers to discuss their latest offerings for 2014. Raven Industries and SDSU will discuss results from their 2013 experience at multi variety planting.
Dr. Ted Crosbie, Chief Scientist, The Climate Corporation will discuss how climate data will be integrated into South Dakota farms in the near future.
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits are available.
Conference Agenda:
The Challenge and Need to Increase Crop Yields: David Wright, Professor and Department Head, Plant Science, SDSU
Multi-Hybrid Planting: Doug Prairie, Product Manager Planter and Harvest Systems, Raven Industries and Peter Sexton, Director, Southeast Research Farm
Why Data Science is Central to Sustainability: Ted Crosbie, Chief Scientist, The Climate Corporation
Panel Discussion: Drainage, sampling, and pests
RiskManagement in 2014: Matt Diersen, SDSU Extension Risk Management Specialist and Professor, Economics Department, SDSU
Establishing Your Field Pedigree through AgriEdge Excelsior: Meredith Wagner AgriEdge Excelsior
Ag PhD Radio Live, The Current Status of Precision Farming: Darren Hefty, Host, Ag PhD and Hefty Seed Company
Using Precision Farming to Increase Corn Yields 40 bu/acre: David Clay, Professor, Plant Science Department and Director of Drought Center, SDSU
Panel Discussion: Precision Planting, 2014 Planter Technology
New Opportunities and New Boundaries: Barry Dunn, South Dakota Corn Utilization Council Endowed Dean, College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences, SDSU and Director of SDSU Extension
Agro Information Management in 2014: Raven Industries
Rethinking Water, An Integrated Approach: John Carver, USMN, Syngenta
What Your Agronomist Can Do for You: Brad Ruden, Director of Agronomy Technical Services, South Dakota Wheat Growers
Drought Tolerance and Precision Farming: Jennifer Feistner, Regional Marketing Director, Channel Seed
Growing 100 Bushel Beans and 300 Bushel Corn: Gregg Carlson, Professor, Plant Science Department, SDSU