1. There are no bad teams, only bad leaders: From the book Extreme Ownership – The leader can make all the difference
  2. Ego is the biggest killer of teamwork: When someone cares who’s idea moves forward we don’t move forward.
  3. Hire people for their potential instead of only their history: Having interviewees complete a project as part of the interview gives you a window into how they think, take feedback, and their potential.
  4. Culture is best curated through hiring: You can change culture, but having the right leaders in place who hire the right people for the culture that you want is what I have seen bring about the best culture
  5. Every business says they are different – knowing why is what makes you different. In 15 years at a fast-growing business I’ve seen exponential growth and acquisitions, attempted acquisitions, or mergers. Fighting for what makes Precision Planting unique is what has kept this business heading in a good direction.
  6. The most successful jerk is still a jerk: No explanation needed.
  7. The fear of failure will hold you back: At Precision Planting, using intelligent failure to learn is rewarded – lack of trying is what is not rewarded.
  8. Seeing people be asked to take on roles with more influence that they are not seeking is very humbling: I’m proud of teammates who have done their jobs well and then, without them asking for it, been asked to take a promotion.
  9. Business is a team sport: I’m thankful to have played with some of the best. When you trust your peers and your team, it is amazing what can be accomplished for the good of the customer.
  10. People remember what you do for them that is unexpected: In 2010, we released a product that struggled in year one. I made a few crazy trips, and those farmers still remember that. 
  11. Know what game you are playing: Simon Sinek wrote the book Infinite Game – I suggest reading it; when you can recognize the game being played, you are better equipped.
  12. Friendships at work matter: Creating friendships with co-workers means when pregnancies, births, doctor visits and phone calls don’t go the way one would prefer you are there to pray for them and support them.
  13. Remember what matters most: My wife and my three kids need me much more than a job needs me. Working hard yet being present at home and healthy is what matters most.
  14. I never expected to be where I am: I left Caterpillar after 51 weeks because I wanted to be in agriculture. I signed up to be a DSA and had no idea what region I would have. 15 years later I lead marketing. I didn’t expect any of this, but I know it’s the right place for me to be.
  15. I hope you all get to experience what I have experienced: We are insurgents fighting against our industry on behalf of the farmer, and I’m honored and thankful to have hit a 15-year milestone here. Thanks to everyone who has helped me make it!