Efficient service and support of precision farming technology requires a combination of education and hands-on experience. Dealers are seeking a blend of knowledge and know- how when hiring the next generation of precision farming specialists.

To assist dealers in their search, Precision Farming Dealer editors compiled a directory of the top resources for precision ag education and training, to include consulants, educational institutions and suppliers offering programs, degrees and on-going training.

Mississippi Delta Community College

Company Profile

Contact Information

Contact: Steele Robbins
Phone: 662-246-6516


Mississippi Delta Community College
PO Box 668
Morehead MS 38761
United States
Recent developments in entomology, plant pathology and weed science in conjunction with advanced technologies such as remote sensing, GPS, GIS and variable-rate technology have the potential to greatly enhance agricultural profitability. In addition, the implementation of this technology can greatly improve environmental quality by reducing the volume of agricultural chemicals applied. The emergence of this technology and the increased demand for technically trained workers to support the technology make it imperative that MDCC offer options through their agricultural program to address this situation.
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