EOS SAT-1, the first imaging satellite to be built by Dragonfly Aerospace, has lifted off from SpaceX’s launch site in Cape Canaveral, Florida as part of the Transporter-6 mission.
Draganfly Innovations, a developer of unmanned vehicle technologies, has added support for GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System) satellite navigation to its UAVs, which will provide higher accuracy and function in more locations than GPS alone.
General John Hyten, head of Air Force Space Command, is reported to have voiced his concerns before a House Armed Services panel this week as LightSquared, now Ligado Networks, tries again to become a U.S. mobile provider.
"You can't manage what you don't measure!" is a phrase attributed to both Peter Drucker and W. Edwards Deming (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2012). This phrase is as applicable to farmers as it is to managers at Toyota or Amazon.
"You can't manage what you don't measure!" is a phrase attributed to both Peter Drucker and W. Edwards Deming. This phrase is as applicable to farmers as it is to managers at Toyota or Amazon.
AGCO's next generation of guidance offers customers seamless integration and a wider selection of which receiver they employ to process positioning information sent from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS).
Satellite imagery provided during the growing season will allow Simplot to collect reliable data on crop conditions, and pinpoint variations that could be related to specific pest, nutrition or water issues.
Australian farmers could have an on-farm version of Google's driverless car if a self-driving tractor trial near Jerilderie continues according to plan
BlackBridge’s Monitoring Programs for Agriculture are unique in the market, providing newly collected and archived five-meter RapidEye satellite imagery across all major North American agricultural areas and other regions of the world multiple times throughout the growing season.
OmniEarth announced today a partnership with Harris Corp., Draper Laboratory and Dynetics to create a constellation of satellites to deliver high-resolution analytics-grade, multispectral imagery data and products, and hosted payloads to commercial and government customers.
Hot off the pressers, it’s Strip-Till Farmer’s 12th annual Strip-Till Operational Benchmark Study! And at first glance, strip-tillers continue to be heavy users of precision technology.
The college offers an associate degree in Applied Science in Agriculture (60 credit hours). Students enrolled in this program may specialize in precision farming technology by selecting up to 15 credit hours in this area and agriculture business, sales and agronomy.
The college offers an AAS in Precision Agriculture and customized precision ag- related training for agricultural producers, insurance underwriters, equipment dealer and agricultural cooperative employees and others.
Offering training on Ag Leader, Trimble, Reichhardt, Norac and Integris Systems in twice yearly customer training events (spring/fall). Also offering individual training opportunities on any HTS Ag products and SMS software, year round.