The precision farming business is aggressively focused on the future — whether its product development and deployment, analytical application of collected field data or conceptual brainstorming of the next breakthrough.
In our 2017 Guide to Essential Precision Farming Tools, 50 different technologies in 19 categories are showcased to provide dealers with detailed insight into their uniqueness, compatibility and value.
Not all fields are alike. Many different variables affect how your crop performs in a single field, so blanket-treatment of an entire field for one limiting factor might not be the best way to manage resources or boost productivity.
Designed and manufactured in Australia by Next Instruments, the CropScan 3000H On Combine Quality Grain Analyzer can be mounted to the grain elevator and uses near infrared technology to measure protein, oil and moisture.
“We are providing yield map reports for customers, which has been good for us so far. Something new we added this year is field mapping where we go out to the farm and set up all fields with boundaries, guidance lines, waterways and features that are needed. We also record topography to evaluate drainage issues and develop a drainage plan for customers, if needed.”
Source: By Joe Luck and Paul Jasa, Extension Agricultural Engineers, University of Nebraska
Planting season is nearly upon us and it won't be long until field activities are in full swing. After visiting with producers all across the state over the winter, it's clear that the adoption of precision ag technologies continues in many operations.
John Deere made a wave of new precision-related product announcements over the last few weeks, one of them being MaxEmerge 5e and ExactEmerge meter upgrades.
The college offers an associate degree in Applied Science in Agriculture (60 credit hours). Students enrolled in this program may specialize in precision farming technology by selecting up to 15 credit hours in this area and agriculture business, sales and agronomy.
The college offers an AAS in Precision Agriculture and customized precision ag- related training for agricultural producers, insurance underwriters, equipment dealer and agricultural cooperative employees and others.
Offering training on Ag Leader, Trimble, Reichhardt, Norac and Integris Systems in twice yearly customer training events (spring/fall). Also offering individual training opportunities on any HTS Ag products and SMS software, year round.