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2019 Precision Farming Dealer Summit

Developing Precision Depth: What’s Your Plan for Advancement?

Hear from 3 precision managers about proven strategies for hiring, retention and development of precision specialists at the 4th Precision Farming Dealer Summit in Indianapolis.
Hear from 3 precision managers about proven strategies for hiring, retention and development of precision specialists at the 4th Precision Farming Dealer Summit in Indianapolis.
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How to Invest in the People Side of Your Precision Farming Business

Structure, training, support and progress are the foundations for developing a stable, reliable precision farming team.
Employee turnover is a predicament most precision farming dealers will need to navigate through at some point. The average tenure of a precision farming specialist at a dealership is often cited as about 18 months.
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Precision Farming Dealer

  • Training Playbook: Redefine Roles & 'Mainstream' Precision Technology
  • Catching Timebombs & Building Credibility with Maintenance Visits
  • Precision Performance Via Fast-Tracked Training, Phone Support & On-the-Farm Equipment
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