From the Virtual Terminal

An Official Precision Farming Partner

It won’t be long before the technology that we call “precision farming” will be so ubiquitous on farms throughout North America that to go without will be like buying a combine without air conditioning or a tractor without pneumatic tires.
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From the Virtual Terminal

Help Wanted: Agronomists Needed

What a difference a decade makes. Ten years ago, farmers were shrugging their shoulders at auto-steering systems, telling their neighbors down at the coffee shop that they "knew how to drive in a straight line."
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From the Virtual Terminal

Welcome to the Future

Welcome to the future of farming — where tractors receive commands from outer space, grain carts drive themselves and the data from combine yield monitors tell row-crop sprayers where chemicals are needed most. Is your dealership ready to sell and support this rapidly evolving technology?
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Precision Farming Dealer

  • Training Playbook: Redefine Roles & 'Mainstream' Precision Technology
  • Catching Timebombs & Building Credibility with Maintenance Visits
  • Precision Performance Via Fast-Tracked Training, Phone Support & On-the-Farm Equipment
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